In its November issue, Maxim has come up with a list of the
World's Crappiest Sports, from 1 to 13. The list is completely wrong. Obviously, they're just trying to be witty and gang up on sports that aren't popular in the US. Curling topped the list, which is a complete travesty. I've curled and its damn fun. So, here's my adjusted list of the crappiest sports, from 10 to 1.
10. Bullriding - I went to a bullride in Wyoming once. It smelled horrible. I don't know how going to these events is enjoyable.
9. Figure Skating - I can't get behind any sports that have an "artistic impression" element. Its also creepy to see 12 year olds that good at something.
8. Biathlon - I just don't understand the connection between cross-country skiing and shooting. Impossible to follow on TV too.
7. Kabaddi - As far as I can tell, this is the World's most homoerotic sport. The teams take turns sending a "raider" across to the opposite team's half, where the goal is to tag or wrestle members of the opposite team before returning to the home half. By the way, the players only wear underwear.
6. Rhythmic Gymnastics - I think this is for girls who weren't coordinated enough or who's chests were too big to do real gymnastics, not that I'm a huge fan of that sport either.
5. Inline Skating - In the early to mid-nineties, rollerblading was cool. Now, its lame.
4. Synchronized Swimming - Sucks for the same reason as figure skating, but makes it higher on the list because the women are creepier and wear more makeup.
3. Pigeon Racing - Easily the dumbest of the non-human sports.
2. Aeromodeling - According to Wikipedia, its a sport. And anything on Wikipedia can't be wrong. Its the "sport" of putting model airplanes together.
1. Dancing - In any form, and there are many, this is lame. Dancing is ok when you're drunk or trying to socialize, but not in competitive form.